Mobile application Types and other challenges in testing


With the growing number of mobile apps and their agile development life cycle, automation testing around them is no longer an option. It is a necessity. In this article we will understand the mobile application types and challenges associated with their testing. And why Appium will become our tool of choice to test mobile applications. 

Types of Mobile Applications

The mobile applications can be broadly classified as three types – Native, Hybrid and Web based. The following diagram explains it –



types of mobile apps


Native Apps

Native apps are what you would normally think about when you think about apps. The majority of the apps on your mobile device are native apps. Native apps are written in language the underlying OS accepts. Example are- messaging app, phone app, calculator etc

Hybrid Apps

A hybrid app can be identified as a kid from the marriage between a web app and a native app. We install it like a native app, but it functions as a web app. They are generally developed using javascript, html and css and run using a web view.


Web App

A web app, is a browser based app which can be viewed in a mobile. E.g of web apps are – facebook. They are built using java script, css and html 5.

The following diagram explains the types


Image result for native hybrid web based


Factors in testing mobile applications

If the types of mobile application was not enough for diversity, there are many factors which introduces challenges in testing of the mobile applications, from device screen size, the underlying operating system, the processor, to use real device or simulator, all these are challenges to be overcome when we setup lab to test mobile applications. Some of the factors are –


varied factors


In our next article, we will understand how these factors play into picture and introduces challenges to test mobile application over varied mobile devices, screen resolutions, manufacturers and underlying operating system. We will see why Appium becomes an ideal choice for us as well.