Appium with Python

Week 1:Introduction to Mobile application Testing and Python

o    Introduction to Mobile application testing

o    Introduction to the mobile app types

o    Concepts of Simulator, Emulator and real devices

o    Introduction to Programming

o    What is Python

o    Features of Python Programming Language

o    Data types in Python

o    Operators in Python

o    Conditional and Looping Statement in Python


Week 2: Advance Python

o    Arrays, Hashes

o    Files and Regular Expression

o    Object Oriented Programming Concepts- Classes, Packages, Interfaces, Inheritance etc

o    Exception Handling


 Week 3: Introduction to Appium

o    What is Appium

o    Installing and setting Appium on Windows

o    Appium Architecture for Android

o    The selenium JSON wire protocol

o    Concept of Desired capabilities for Android

o    Appium Server and client libraries.

o    Creating Android emulator

o    Setting eclipse Python project

o    Appium GUI

o    Concept of Locators

o    Android locators for Web apps,

o    Android locators for native and hybrid.


Week 4: Working with Appium

o    Concept of desired capabilities for web, hybrid and native app

o    Native app example and automating it with Appium on emulator and real device

o    Web app example and automating it with Appium on emulator and real device

o    Hybrid app example and automating it with Appium on emulator and real device.


Week 5: Appium and Advance user interactions

o    How to automate advance user interactions

o    Long press, scroll, swipe, drag and drop, pinch and zoom

o    Handle alerts, switch and spinners, slide bar.

o    Capturing screenshots.