If data is the oil python is the driller

If data is the oil, python is the driller


As per the current trends, Python as a programming language has gained immense popularity in comparison to other languages around it. Refer to the information available in article - https://cpsat.agiletestingalliance.org/2021/02/10/why-use-python-for-selenium/

One of the main reasons for the soar in popularity is that “data” has become the next “oil” and the field of data science, AI, and machine learning has gained immense popularity. This has led to another area in testing, about learning to test AI based applications, and what could be the challenges faced when you do so, an insightful article on it appeared in forbes, https://www.forbes.com/sites/cognitiveworld/2020/01/03/how-do-you-test-ai-systems/?sh=2ea01671afd5

The current technical stack available in the market for the testing whether it is the gui, reports, containerization, ci/cd pipeline, test data, logs python provides a rich library supporting all the activities besides empowering you with a lot more you can achieve with this humble language.

Its not new, it has been around since the 1980’s even before than Java programming language. Many organizations big and small are already using python, and more so are getting added to the current list.

 As far as I am concerned, I have been an ardent fan of this language and its humongous power. I have been coaching people on python for test automation, bdd, mobile testing, and also have written a book on the same, which is currently in top 100 books on software testing on amazon.

The program CPSAT- with python is ours  most ambitious program, designed around the current trends in the world of testing and tools available to ease the process.

To know more about python and programs around it, conducted by Agile Test Alliance, please visit - https://ataevents.org/