Selenium Summit by Agile Testing Alliance

Selenium Summit, by Agile Testing Alliance happened on March 22nd , in Pune India. The conference brought together eminent leaders from the industry to discuss about automation and Selenium. Details about conference can be found on #Seleniumsummit2018
I participated in the conference. The topic of my workshop was Using Selenium with Specflow, with CSharp programming language. The workshop was well recieved by audience. 
This was my first conference, and I learnt a lot from it. 
Details about the conference as taken from the website are here -
Selenium Automation Summit, #Seleniumsummit18 is one-day conference brought to you by Agile Testing Alliance.
The main objectives of the summit are
To help testing community come together, get them to share ideas and collaborate on the latest in the Selenium world
To help local talent get an opportunity to showcase themselves
To bring affordable world class conference to cities like Pune
To help manual testing professionals learn Selenium and get into Test Automation